Home » Services » Railway undertakings » Licenses for railway undertakings


A railway undertaking is a company or other legal entity whose main business is to provide transport of goods and/or passengers by rail, and which has been issued a license for the transport of goods and/or passengers, with the obligation to provide traction, whether or not its activities are limited to providing traction only. A company or other legal entity that performs rail transport for its own use and has been issued a license for transport for its own use is also considered a railway undertaking.

Licensing Authority, Directorate of Railways, issues a license to a company or other legal entity whose registered main activity is the provision of rail transport services for freight and/or passengers, as well as to a company or other legal entity that performs or will perform rail transport for its own needs, established in the Republic of Serbia. A license is issued upon the submission of proofs demonstrating that the requirements relating to good repute, financial fitness, professional competence and cover for civil liability have been met in accordance with Art. 81 - 85 of the Law on Railways ("Official Gazette of the RS", number 41/18) and the Rulebook on the Licensing of Railway Undertakings ("Official Gazette of the RS", number 53/19).

Applications for issuing a license with accompanying documentation must be submitted to the Directorate of Railways.

All applications must indicate the planned day of commencement of transport of goods and/or passengers, i.e. transport for one’s own needs, which must be within a period of up to six months from the date of submission of the application. Applicants whose activities will be limited to providing traction only must explicitly state this in their application.

If the prescribed conditions are met, the Directorate for Railways will issue a license, within 30 days from the date of submission of the request.

The Directorate for Railways issues a license for:

  1. for transport of goods and/or passengers,
  2. for transport for one’s own use.

A license for the performance of rail transport services is issued for an indefinite time period, until the railway undertaking fulfils the requirements set out by the Law on Railways and it is non-transferable.
The Directorate for Railways keeps records on the issued licenses for the performance of rail transport services.
The Directorate of Railways checks every 12 months whether the railway undertaking complies with the requirements related to good repute, financial fitness, professional competence and cover for civil liability, in accordance with the Law on Railways.
If, during the check, the Directorate for Railways finds that the railway undertaking fails to meet one of the above-mentioned conditions, it suspends or revokes the license.

When submitting the request, the applicant pays an administrative fee prescribed by the Tariff of Republic Administrative Fees - Tariff No. 148 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees ("Official Gazette of RS" - revised text), to the account number 840-30961845-47.

Records 01.000

Legal framework:
Law on Railways,
Law on Republic Administrative Fees, and
Rulebook on the Licensing of Railway Undertakings.


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